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U of T Student Equity Census

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Equity, diversity and inclusion are fundamental values at the University of Toronto. Building on U of T’s Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Excellence, we are committed to advancing equity within our practices and processes.

This Census is a tool that supports the University in better understanding the demographics of our student population. The data we collect will be used to develop, assess, and maintain programs and initiatives that respond to the needs of our students. Through connections with other student-related data, we’ll be able to more effectively understand and improve the holistic experience of our students. This data will also help us to strengthen student recruitment efforts, access, and strategies to address and eliminate barriers to success within our processes.

About the U of T Student Equity Census

The U of T Student Equity Census is a demographic data collection initiative with a set of eight questions, including questions on gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, Indigenous identity, race and/or ethnocultural identity, religious, spiritual affiliations or beliefs, and education attainment of parents or guardians.

Who should participate

All undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at the University of Toronto on a part-time or full-time basis are required to complete the Census. However, students are in no way required to share any information that they do not wish to share. The “prefer not to answer” option is always there for students to use, and this option is available for each of the Census questions. 

How to participate

The Census is available on ACORN. Log in using your UTORid and fill out your responses – it should only take about five minutes to complete. You can find the Census in the “Profile & Settings” section of your ACORN account. 

Background and development 

The U of T Student Equity Census launched as a pilot in Fall 2020. Following this launch, the U of T Student Equity Census Advisory Roundtable was formed in 2021 to review feedback on the census and develop a framework and best practices on how the University will collect, report, share, and use this identity-based data to support meaningful change. The Advisory Roundtable was led by four co-convenors: one faculty member, one senior staff member, and two students. The membership of the group included a wide range of staff, faculty, and student representatives from across the three U of T campuses. A detailed list of members can be found in the final report. The Advisory Roundtable completed its work in summer 2021. 

Read the Advisory Roundtable’s Report: Understanding the Demographic Makeup of our Students to Address Systemic Discrimination and Advance Equity and Inclusion at the University of Toronto. Final report from the U of T Student Equity Census Advisory Roundtable. 

Beginning in 2023, the census was fully embedded into ACORN, U of T’s student information system. We encourage all students to share their information because with more responses we learn about our student community, and this presents an opportunity to improve our supports and services based on the data. 

Privacy & confidentiality

Your identity is complex and personal – we understand and respect that. You determine the information you choose to share. All questions have a “prefer not to answer” option, should there be information you do not wish to share. You also have the option to change and update your responses at any time. Your responses aren’t anonymous, but the data collected will be kept strictly confidential. Only aggregate data will be used in reporting.

As always, your privacy is protected. Learn more about how we’re keeping your information safe. You can read more about how the University uses, collects and protects student information on the Student Data website.

Preview the U of T Student Equity Census

If you are interested in seeing the questions included on the 2024-2025 U of T Student Equity Census, you can view the U of T Student Equity Census -Questions & Format Resource (2024-2025).

Frequently Asked Questions