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What is a special levy fee?

These fees are defined in the Policy for Compulsory Non-Academic Ancillary Fees as follows:

5. Student society fees may include levies for specific, limited projects, within the University including those for academic purposes. Such levies shall:

a. be approved by whatever process is required by the student society’s constitution for consideration of a fee increase, and by a referendum;

b. be in effect for a limited time period or include provision for periodic review;

c. be treated as part of the student society fee but be specifically listed on students’ accounts;

d. be paid by the University Registrar’s Office directly to the student society or to a restricted account for the purposes designated in writing by the student society. Such a designation must be approved by the council or board or directors of the society.

Examples of Special Levies

SocietyFee NameUniversity Affairs Board
New College Student
Wilson Lounge
Renovation Levy
University Affairs Board Documentation (pages 21 to 22)Winter 2019
Engineering SocietySkule
University Affairs Board Documentation (pages 8 to 10)Winter 2018
(renewed every
two years)
Master of Information
Student Council &
Museum Studies
Student Association
Tech FundUniversity Affairs Board Documentation (pages 21 to 23)Winter 2017