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How is student privacy and confidentiality maintained while on a Leave? 

The University is committed to compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Health Information Protection Act. Any collection, use, or disclosure of personal information as part of the Policy process is conducted in accordance with relevant law. 

As part of the University’s efforts to maintain student privacy, the Student Support Team is kept as small as possible, and only those staff and/or faculty who need to be involved are included.  It is the student’s decision if they choose to provide consent for their Student Case Manager to speak with their health care providers or members of their family.  No notation is placed on a student’s transcript and the student’s status is noted as simply “on leave” in the Student Information System.   

It is important to note that confidentiality cannot be maintained when information must be disclosed in order to address a risk to the health and safety of members of the University community, or where the University is obliged by law to disclose the information. Examples include where: 

  • An individual is at risk of imminent and/or serious physical or psychological harm to themselves or others; 
  • Members of the University community may be at risk of harm; and/or 
  • Reporting or investigation is required by law.