Urgent situations are situations where the risk caused by a student’s conduct is so significant and imminent that immediate action must be taken to ensure the safety of University of Toronto community members. There is a special section of the Policy addressing these cases.
In such cases, the Vice-Provost, Students may immediately place a student on a temporary Supportive Leave, for up to five business days (business days are Monday to Friday). The Vice-Provost, Students may take this action if there is reasonable concern that the safety of other members of the University is endangered, damage to University property is likely to occur, or the continued presence of the student would be significantly disruptive to the legitimate operations of the University.
A temporary Supportive Leave can only be imposed in urgent situations where “efforts to provide reasonable accommodation to the point of undue hardship have either been unsuccessful or cannot be put in place sufficiently quickly to mitigate the risk of harm” (Section IV. F. 46)
In cases involving urgent situations, the student is informed immediately of the reasons for the Leave and is provided an opportunity to respond. The temporary Leave is reviewed by the Vice-Provost, Students within the five-business day period and the student is notified whether or not the Leave will be continued. The student may seek review and appeal of that decision. During the five business days, a Student Case Manager is appointed, and the terms and conditions of the Leave are considered.
Please refer to Section IV. F.46-49 of the Supportive Leaves Policy for additional information about urgent situations.