A student, placed on a Supportive Leave, may choose to appeal the decision of the Vice-Provost, Students if they disagree with being placed on a Supportive Leave. There are two levels of appeal for this Policy within the University, outlined below.
Step 1: Submit request to Provost to review the decision to place the student on Leave.
A student may make a request to the Provost by submitting a written request for review within 10 business days of receiving the letter initiating or extending the Leave. If a student needs additional time, the Provost will consider requests to extend the time limit of 10 business days.
The appeal submission may include any new or additional information the student believes is relevant and wishes to provide, including, but not limited to, a personal statement, medical information, specialist reports or other expert assessments, medical documentation, etc.
The Provost will review and respond to the appeal request within 10 business days of receiving the full submission from the student. The Provost may also consult, in confidence, with the Student Support Team (SST) and the Student Case Manager (SCM), or anyone else whom the Provost believes may have pertinent information. The decision, whether to vary or continue the Vice-Provost, Student’s decision to place a student on a Leave, will be provided in writing (e.g., via letter sent by email to the student’s University email address). The Provost must provide reasons for their decision.
Step 2: Appeal to the Senior Chair or Associate Chair of the Discipline Appeals Board of the University Tribunal.
If, after their review, the Provost decides to continue the Leave, the student may appeal the decision of the Provost to the Senior Chair (or delegate), or the Associate Chair (or delegate) of the Discipline Appeals Board of the University Tribunal by filing a written notice of appeal, together with any submissions the student wishes to be considered, within 20 business days of the Provost’s decision. The Provost may also make submissions in response to the appeal. The decision of the Senior Chair (or delegate) or the Associate Chair (or delegate) is final. The Senior Chair and Associate Chair are legally qualified and are appointed by the Academic Board of the University’s Governing Council.
While the decision is under appeal (either by Provost or University Tribunal), the terms and conditions of the Supportive Leave continue to apply.
Please refer to Section V. of the Supportive Leaves Policy for additional information about the review and appeal processes.