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What is the threshold for a Leave?  

Under the University’s Supportive Leaves Policy, the threshold to place a student on a Leave is extremely high. The University must have sufficient information at the time that the Leave is imposed to believe that: 

  • The student poses a significant risk of either: 
    • physical or psychological harm to University of Toronto community member(s), or  
    • harm that involves substantial impairment of the educational experience of fellow students, and 
  • This risk cannot be mitigated or controlled by supportive intervention at this time.  

The use of the Policy is intended to strike a balance between two goals: 

  • Accommodating and supporting a student who is experiencing a significant mental health issue; and 
  • Creating and maintaining a safe campus environment for all University community members.   

To initiate a Leave under the Policy, the Vice-Provost, Students must be convinced that options for mitigating the risk that a student ‘s presence on campus and engagement with the University community is posing have been thoroughly explored and exhausted. In certain cases (see Urgent Situations), the risk of harm to others is deemed so high and imminent that the University may proceed immediately to placing a student on a temporary Leave pending further review.   

Examples of behaviours that may result in consideration under the Policy (if all other conditions are met) include: 

  • Assault 
  • Threats of violence 
  • Destruction of property 
  • Harassment  

Please refer to Section IV. F. of the Supportive Leaves Policy for additional information about the threshold for a Supportive Leave.