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Section 1: FAQs for Students on a Supportive Leave

  • Why have I been placed on a Supportive Leave? 

    A description of the specific behavioural concerns that informed the decision of the Vice-Provost, Students to place you on a Supportive Leave is included in the letter you received initiating the Leave.  When a student’s behaviour is considered potentially harmful or threatening to the safety of another U of T community member(s) and there is […]

  • Who is my Student Case Manager and what is their role? 

    The name and contact information for your Student Case Manager (SCM) will have been included in the letter you received initiating the Leave.  It is likely that your Student Case Manager also reached out to you to offer to meet to review the letter.  Student Case Managers (SCM) are assigned to a student who is […]

  • Who is on my Student Support Team and what is the role of the Student Support Team? 

    When the Vice-Provost, Students receives a request to consider placing a student on a Supportive Leave, one of their first steps is to form a Student Support Team (SST). Your Student Support Teams (SST) consists of individuals that offer expertise and information in specific areas to provide advice to the Vice-Provost, Students on how best […]

  • What university supports are available to me? 

    Your Student Case Manager and Student Support Team will work with you to ensure that you are fully supported in accessing services and supports, both internal and external to the University, that are appropriate to your individual circumstances.    Examples of supports may include tuition refunds, on-going access to health and wellness services, continuation of health […]

  • How will the Leave impact my health and dental insurance? 

    If you have not opted out of the health and dental insurance provided through your student society, the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students will coordinate with your student society to continue your health and dental insurance coverage during your Leave at the University’s expense.  

  • Am I permitted to come to campus? 

    It is common for students placed on a Leave to also be trespassed from the University campuses. This decision is based on the behaviour that prompted the Vice-Provost, Students to place you on a Leave and the level of concern for the safety of other members of the University community.   If you have been trespassed […]

  • How long is the Leave? 

    The initial duration of your Leave will be stated in the letter you received initiating the Leave.    If you wish to request to return to studies before the date stated in your letter, you may do so by speaking with your Student Case Manager and submitting a request to the Vice-Provost, Students.    You are not […]

  • Can I appeal the decision to place me on a Supportive Leave? 

    Yes. You may request that the Provost review the decision of the Vice-Provost, Students to place you on a Leave by making a request in writing, within 10 business days of receiving the letter initiating the Leave. If needed, you may request an extension on the time limit to request a review by Provost. The […]

  • If the Provost decides to continue my Supportive Leave, can I appeal their decision?  

    If, after their review, the Provost decides to continue your Leave, you may appeal the decision of the Provost. This appeal is heard by the Senior Chair or the Associate Chair of the Discipline Appeals Board of the University Tribunal, or their delegate. The Senior Chair and Associate Chair are legally qualified and are appointed […]

  • What Is the difference between a mandated and voluntary Supportive Leave? 

    One of the guiding principles of the Supportive Leaves Policy is that “students have personal autonomy regarding their health and wellness and are encouraged to seek the help they may need” (I.A.3). As part of this respect for autonomy, students have the ability to request a Voluntary Leave of Absence, under either a Divisional process […]

  • What is the process to apply to return to studies? 

    When you decide that it is the right time for you to return to your studies, your Student Case Manager will be available to support you throughout the process. The return to studies expectations and process are outlined in the letter that you received initiating the Leave.  Step 1: Submit a request to return to […]

  • I have been asked to complete a psychiatric risk assessment. What is the process? 

    The return to studies process often involves a psychiatrist risk assessment, or equivalent, as well as a review of other relevant information about a student’s readiness and intent to re-engage with their studies. The risk assessment is arranged and paid for by the University.  If you are asked to complete a psychiatric risk assessment, the […]