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Section 2: Policy Process

  • When does the Policy apply?  

    The Policy applies in very rare circumstances when: 

  • What is the threshold for a Leave?  

    Under the University’s Supportive Leaves Policy, the threshold to place a student on a Leave is extremely high. The University must have sufficient information at the time that the Leave is imposed to believe that:  The use of the Policy is intended to strike a balance between two goals:  To initiate a Leave under the […]

  • What rights does a student have under the Policy? 

    The Policy includes a number of procedural safeguards, some of which are described below.  It is also designed to be compliant with provincial legislation such as the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the […]

  • Who can recommend that a student be placed on a Leave?  

    Only Division Heads (Dean of a Faculty/ Campus/ Principal of College) may request that the Vice-Provost, Students consider placing a student in their division on a Leave under the Policy.  A decision to proceed under the Policy can only be made by the Vice-Provost, Students.   Please refer to Section IV. A. of the Supportive Leaves […]

  • Why would a Division Head (Dean / Principal) recommend a student for a Leave?  

    The Division Head is the Principal, Dean or director (“head”) of a faculty, college or school in which the Student is registered. Division Heads are the academic leaders who are best placed to raise with the Vice-Provost, Students challenging behavioural issues involving a student where disciplinary approaches may not be appropriate. In these situations, the […]

  • Does disclosing suicidal thoughts or self-harm to University staff mean a student will be placed on a Leave?  

    No. The University’s hope is that students will actively engage with mental health supports with the trust and understanding that this will not lead to them being recommended for a Leave. Generally, a student may disclose personal mental health concerns or struggles to a counsellor or medical professional without concern that their personal health information […]

  • What steps does the Vice-Provost, Students take when they receive a request to consider a student’s conduct under the Policy? 

    Upon receiving a request from a Division Head to consider a student’s situation under the Supportive Leave Policy, the Vice-Provost, Students begins by gathering information to ensure they have a clear understanding of the student’s behaviour and personal circumstances to inform their decision as to whether it is appropriate to place the student on Leave […]

  • How is a student informed that action under the Policy is being considered?  

    A student will receive a letter from the Vice-Provost, Students indicating that they have received a request from the student’s division head (Dean or Principal) to consider the application of the Policy in the student’s case and that the request is under review.   The student will be connected with a Student Case Manager (SCM) (see […]

  • What do “Urgent Situations” entail? 

    Urgent situations are situations where the risk caused by a student’s conduct is so significant and imminent that immediate action must be taken to ensure the safety of University of Toronto community members. There is a special section of the Policy addressing these cases.  In such cases, the Vice-Provost, Students may immediately place a student […]

  • What are the terms and conditions of the Leave?  

    The terms and conditions outline the University’s obligations for the Leave and the expectations of the student during the Leave.   Terms and Conditions are tailored specifically to the individual student’s needs and circumstances with input from the Student Support Team (see more information about the Student Support Team in “Student Supports” section.) Terms and conditions […]

  • How long is a Leave? 

    The duration of a Leave is dependent on the specific needs and circumstances of the individual student. The University typically indicates an end date for a Leave that coincides with the end of an academic term, usually one or two terms following the start of the Leave (Fall Term, Winter Term, Summer Term are each […]

  • What is the appeal process? 

    A student, placed on a Supportive Leave, may choose to appeal the decision of the Vice-Provost, Students if they disagree with being placed on a Supportive Leave. There are two levels of appeal for this Policy within the University, outlined below.  Step 1: Submit request to Provost to review the decision to place the student […]

  • What will appear on a student’s transcript?  

    No notation regarding the Leave will be reflected on the student’s academic transcript.