Your U of T Resource Finder
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Navi: Your U of T Resource Finder

Navi, short for navigator, is a chat-based virtual assistant. Navi can provide information on many topics, including admissions, financial aid, getting involved, careers, convocation and more.  Additionally, NAVI can provide more specific information regarding mental health resources.  All you have to do is click on the chat button and tell Navi what you need help with. 

If you require further information, contact Elicia Giannone, Project Manager, U of T Wayfinder.

Navi is an anonymous tool that provides you with information to help you navigate the University of Toronto . While Navi may direct you to health resources, this tool is for informational purposes only and does not provide medical advice, counselling nor does it make any diagnosis or identify personalized treatments. Please do not provide any personally identifying or health information about yourself or anybody else when using this tool. If you have concerns about your health, please speak with your healthcare provider. If this is an emergency, please contact  U of T Telus Health Student Support at 1-844-451-9700 (or 001-416-380-6578 if you are outside North America), Good2Talk at 1-866-925-5454, or 911.

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  • What is a virtual agent? 

    The virtual agent is a conversational tool that uses technological “learning” to respond to questions through an online chat. Leveraging IBM’s Watson Virtual Assistant platform, this tool can help you find answers to your questions and act as a wayfinding tool. The tool can be accessed 24/7. While Navi cannot provide personalized or specific advice, it can direct you to the contacts that can. 

  • What does Navi mean? 

    Navi has multiple meanings. It’s short for “navigator,” which helps describe what the tool is: a wayfinding resource that helps students navigate the programs, resources and services U of T has to offer. Navi is also means “kind to people” in many languages, which speaks to the culture of caring and excellence that the University strives for. 

  • Is someone monitoring the Navi chats? 

    Navi is a virtual tool, available 24/7. The tool isn’t monitored, so it’s up to the user to decide when/if to connect to the resources provided. The University reviews some of the chats where feedback was provided as a way to continue to train and develop the tool. 

  • Can I be directed to a live person through the Navi chats? 

    Throughout most conversations in the tool, there are links to resources where students can find the right contact information for the person to talk to. 

  • How is this different than a Google search? 

    Navi has been developed by subject-matter experts at the University, which means that all responses have been curated and tailored to the U of T experience. Where Google responds with thousands of results, Navi highlights the most relevant services for U of T students. 

  • Does the virtual agent replace face-to-face student services? 

    No. Navi is a wayfinding tool and is meant to help students find the most appropriate office or resource for their needs.  

  • What kinds of questions can I ask Navi? 

    Navi can answer general questions on a full range of topics for future and current students.  Additionally, NAVI provides detailed information to support your mental health.  Ask NAVI about a lot of things including: stress, anxiety, loneliness, harassment, discrimination, bullying, academics, career, sleep issues, accessibility, coping techniques, abuse, eating disorders, how to get involved, health care access, and more.  

    Navi will be continually enhanced to be able to speak to more topics. 

  • Is Navi mobile-friendly? 

    Yes. If you click on a number provided, you can call that number directly. 

  • Is Navi accessible to students outside of Canada?

    Yes. Many of the University’s resources and services have been tailored to support our learners from all over the world. This includes access to registrarial services, academic services and various health services. Some services are only available to students in Ontario/Canada, but they’re specified in the tool. You can always access U of T Telus Health Student Support by calling 001-416-380-6578 if you’re outside North America and need access to 24/7 mental health support. U of T Telus Health Student Support has immediate support available over the phone in 35 languages, and over chat in simplified Chinese, English, French and Spanish. Ongoing support is available over the phone in 146 languages. 

  • Is Navi for graduate students? 

    Yes. Navi is for all students at the University of Toronto. Since Navi is available publicly, parents/families, and university faculty, staff and administrators can also use to the tool help identify resources and services for students. 

  • How does Navi get its answers? 

    We’ve worked with subject-matter experts at the University to identify topics, responses, resources and services for students. Each response has been curated and mapped to topics. If you don’t receive the answer you were looking for, use the thumbs up/thumbs down function to give us feedback, which will help to train and develop the tool. 

  • Is Navi voice-activated? 

    The virtual agent isn’t currently voice-activated and needs to be manually selected in order for the conversation to begin. Once started, you can use a local speech-to-text program (e.g. speech keyboard on iOS) to interact with the virtual agent. 

  • How do I get the Navi tool on my website? 

    If you work at the University of Toronto and are interested in adding a link to Navi on your website, email Elicia Giannone, Project Manager, U of T Wayfinder: